Väike-Paala 1-507, 11415 Tallinn, Estonia

Important Information

1. For granting access permissions to authorised representatives in the e-MTA:

  1. enter the e-services environment e-MTA opens in a new tab;
  2. select Settings – Access permissions – Access permissions of representatives from the menu;
  3. select the represented legal person on whose behalf you wish to grant access permissions;
  4. click New access permission;
  5. find the person you wish to grant access permissions to by personal identification code, registry code, user ID or select from favourites;
  6. click Search;
  7. if you wish to grant the same permissions to several persons, repeat the search;
  8. specify the start date of the access permission (the end date can be added later);
  9. designate whether the representative can delegate the access permission (i.e. the person to whom you grant the permission can in turn pass it on);
  10. in the permissions block on the “Packages of access permissions” or “Separate permissions” tabs, leave the search boxes unfilled and click the Search button;
  11. find the necessary access permission, check the box on the access permission line and click the Add button.

For more information on using the service of access permissions in the e-services environment e-MTA opens in a new tab, select Help Center – Access permissions from the menu.

2.Access to the Commercial Register System for Annual Report Submission

1. Visit the portal rik.ee and select the “E-äriregister” block.
2. On the opened page, in the vertical menu on the right, select “E-äriregistrisse.
3. In the top horizontal menu with a blue background, click on the “Aruande esitamine” tab.
4. Log into the system using your ID card, Smart-ID, or Mobil-ID.
In the horizontal menu at the top, on the white background, find the “Sisestajate määramine” tab. On the opened page, you will see a list of user rights.
Below the list, there is a blue tab labeled “Lisa uus sisestaja.” Click on it, and a window titled “Sisestaja lisamine” will open.
Enter your accountant’s personal code in the “Sisestaja isikukood” field (and Eesti, by default).
In the section below, select the company for which you are granting access.
Make sure to check the box next to the following line: “Sisestajal on aruande esitamise õigus.”
Click “SALVESTA” to save.
If you wish to grant access to the annual reports for multiple companies, you must complete this procedure separately for each company.